About Author


Angella P. Browne was born on the beautiful Caribbean Island of Antigua in the West Indies. Rising out of the Caribbean Sea, Antigua sparkles like a pendant in the ladies necklace which forms the leeward islands of the Caribbean. Boasting 365 beaches, Antigua is a beautiful combination of land and sea like no other. It is from these surroundings with fields of wildflowers ever-present during her childhood and beautiful gardens decorating the brightly painted houses that an eternal love of nature and the outdoors was born and cemented in her total being. Many childhood days were spent in the outdoors among flowers, in the sea, climbing trees, and rolling in the grass.

Angella has been writing poems and stories since kindergarten. Poems and stories about nature are her favorite. She finds joy, peace, and the love of a wonderful, humorous creator God in nature. She finds a fundamental bond with natures voices as they speak loudly in the thunder, brightly in the lightening, fiercely in the breaking waves, brilliantly in the changing colors, softly in the gentle breeze, chaotically in the moving crowds, or quietly in the drifting clouds.
